The technology in the GentleWave® Procedure provides a better cleaning,
less-invasive alternative to standard root canal treatment.
The advanced technology of the GentleWave Procedure uses multiple wavelengths of sound to gently deliver disinfecting fluids throughout the entire root canal system, even reaching into and cleaning the microscopic spaces where bacteria can hide—to provide less chance of failure over time.
The GentleWave Procedure offers the following advantages over standard root canal treatment:
The Gentle Wave Procedure removes pulp tissue, bacteria, biofilm and smear layer from the root canal system resulting in more effective cleaning while helping to preserve more healthy tooth structure (2)
Patients are saying it’s more comfortable, more convenient and it preserves your natural tooth better than standard root canal treatment (4).
2 Vandrangi and Basrani 2015; Oral Health – Endodontics.72-86
3 Sigurdsson A et al. 2016; J Endod. 42:1040-48;
4 Sigurdsson A et al. (2016) J Endod. 42:1040-48
5 Haapasalo M et al. (2014) J. Endod. 40:1178-1181
6 Sigurdsson A et al. (2016) J Endod. 42:1040-48